Category: Fish Food

Check out all Payara team blog posts tagged with Fish Food, all in one place.

The 4 Most Useful GDPR Features in HubSpot

Payara Services provides stable, supported open source software. Bringing our solutions to a global audience entails a wider skillset in the team than can be confined to Java developers and engineers, however. Our Marketing, Sales and HR departments have vital roles to play, with our Fish Food blogs providing a peek behind the curtain (or

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Seven Steps to Create a Business Plan

So, following on from my last blog about cashflow, I thought it useful to cover a business plan. There are always opportunities for new businesses. If nothing else, the coronavirus (COVID-19) disruption has given people the time and space they need to be creative and to think of new business ideas. Additionally, the unreliable employment

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11 Quick SEO Wins for 2021

Growing a steady flow of website traffic can be challenging, but there are some quick and easy, fundamental core strategies that you can use to optimise and develop your website for more traffic. In the article below I have outlined some of the key Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) you should be using, divided into two

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A Perfect Payara Candidate

 In reality, the “perfect” applicant doesn’t exist. Agree?  Let me explain.  Here at Payara we like to do things differently. That includes candidate selection.  Not because we want to be noticed and branded with glory and fame and have our name up in lights on a grand stage at a gala award ceremony being lavished with trophies and gifts from high-level celebrities – but because it is often the right thing to

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Tips for Presentations at Virtual Conferences

Virtual business events were common even before the coronavirus pandemic – but today, businesses are finding ways to hold most events and conferences online. Not only that, but it’s become the norm for entire organizations to work remotely, holding meetings over phone or video conference calls and collaborating with coworkers via Office 365, Google Docs,

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What’s the Big Deal About Fonts?

Fonts have many functionalities in the marketing world – the two most important ones being legibility and brand awareness. Your font’s main job is to deliver your clever messaging across to your audience in the most efficient way possible. Although to most people choosing fonts is not a big deal, there are people who have

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How to Improve the Company Cash Flow

In today’s unsteady business environment, cash flow difficulties will become a common challenge for many small and large businesses. Even a very profitable business can face extreme cash flow problems. There are several things that can improve company cash flow, which are detailed below: What is Cash Flow?  Cash flow is the term used to

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Using the Flywheel Model

Funnel is so 2019! If you’re familiar with the basics of marketing theory and marketing and sales terminology, you have surely heard of a ‘Funnel’ model – often referred to as a ‘Sales Funnel’. For many years, most businesses have built their strategies with a funnel model in mind. The good and bad news is

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Candidate Journey – The Payara Way

At Payara Services, we care about culture and we care about our people. A lot. As the Talent Acquisition Lead, that means I must pride myself on working hard to ensure we have a candidate journey that is fit for purpose and eliminates the one thing I dislike the most about the recruitment industry: assumption.

5 Types of Online Content

Online content comes in a wide variety of formats involving text, graphics, video, and audio. Your “content” is the reason people visit your website, learn more about what you do or offer, and interact with you on social media platforms. Using different types of content is a good strategy to reach a larger audience online.

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Seizing the Moment: Engagement during Disruption

The unplanned worldwide disruption of this year has proven more than ever the importance of a strong workplace culture. Businesses that were forced to shift suddenly from office-based work to a diaspora of homeworkers have had to rethink fundamental behaviours like collaboration, performance management, and tasking to name a few. The suddenness of this change,

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Using an Inbound Marketing & Sales Methodology

Payara Services, Ltd prefers to use an inbound methodology for its marketing strategy.  Inbound marketing is a business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them. While outbound marketing interrupts your audience with content they do not always want, inbound marketing forms connections they are looking for and solves problems

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How Brand Guidelines Build Brand Recognition

Brand guidelines are your most important communication tool, both internally to your business and externally to your audience. Having established brand guidelines communicates to the public that you are serious about your brand. It is a great resource for your business to understand how to represent its brand across departments.

UK Enterprise Management Incentive

An UK employee only Enterprise Management Incentive (EMI) scheme is an approved employee share scheme that is available to most trading companies, allowing employers to grant share options to key employee’s tax efficiently, as a reward for their efforts within the business and/or to retain and incentivise key staff.

Tips for Internal Communication

Communication is key. We all know that tired axiom, but so much that goes wrong in a business can be boiled down to a failure to communicate. What’s more, during the current disruption, many businesses have made a dramatic shift from office-based teams to working from home, requiring enhanced or even overhauled communication strategies for

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