Tag: Community

Insider Look: Joining the Payara Product Team

A Conversation with Senior Product Managers  Over the last few weeks, Payara Services announced multiple exciting job openings, attesting to the growing acceptance of our solutions as well as our company. As we look for many engineering specialists to join our Product team, we believe it is important to give any potential applicants an insight

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2023, that’s a wrap! Celebrating 30% Employee Growth, Innovation and Employee Satisfaction

As we say goodbye to another remarkable year, it’s with immense pride that we reflect on the incredible journey of growth and success Payara has experienced. The past twelve months have been nothing short of extraordinary, marked by a surge in our workforce, spanning 16 countries across the globe, the creation of new business units,

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Leadership That Inspires People!

Today is the birthday of Steve Millidge, Payara’s CEO and Founder, Eclipse Foundation key committer, and the brains behind providing a supported replacement for GlassFish in 2014: the birth of Payara Platform! However, being a leader means a lot more than just bright ideas, and his leadership style also sets the tone for Payara’s culture and values.

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Meet Rebekah – Our new People Team Assistant

At Payara, we pride ourselves on being a global employer of choice. We have employees in 13 countries, speaking 14 languages and operating across multiple time zones. We work to ensure everyone feels part of a united team, living our values Community, Growth, Openness, Initiative, Trust, Excellence and Passion, across continents. Of course, this takes

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Leaving Jakarta, Place for Jakarta EE, Programming – a Remote-First Success Story 

Being a remote-first company means our employees can make living decisions based on their needs, rather than their commute. Our brand-new Software Engineer Arie is feeling this benefit. He lived for the last four years in Jakarta, the largest city of Indonesia, and namesake of the programming specifications for Java, used with our product, Payara

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Permissionless Co-Marketing: When One of Us Shines, We All Shine!

It’s likely you haven’t heard of Permissionless Co-Marketing. It’s Marketing’s kindest secret weapon – and it’s everywhere!   Amanda Natividad, VP of Marketing for SparkToro, sums it up in her excellent Twitter thread:   “Permissionless Co-Marketing is aligning yourself with other brands by promoting them in your work.   The payoff? Earning goodwill and setting the foundation for potential collaboration.” 

5 Benefits of Remote-First Companies

The COVID-19 pandemic forced businesses around the world to reconsider their working models. Companies that had never offered employees to work from home were suddenly moving to remote-friendly working arrangements just to stay afloat. The continuing concerns over the pandemic have accelerated the growth of remote work, and it’s predicted that 32% of all employees worldwide will be remote

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The 4 Most Useful GDPR Features in HubSpot

Payara Services provides stable, supported open source software. Bringing our solutions to a global audience entails a wider skillset in the team than can be confined to Java developers and engineers, however. Our Marketing, Sales and HR departments have vital roles to play, with our Fish Food blogs providing a peek behind the curtain (or

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Payara at Japan JUG CCC: Jakarta REST In Depth (Japanese translation)

今年、5月23日に開催される Japan JUG CCC Spring  にPayaraの Kenji Hasunuma (蓮沼賢志)が参加します。このイベントは、Japan Java User Group (JJUG)が主催する最大級のJavaコミュニティ・イベントで、年に2回、春と秋に開催されます。Java関連の技術やプラクティスの素晴らしいセッションが行われ、様々な分野のJavaエンジニアが集まり、今年はオンラインで開催されます。 Kenjiは昨年11月に開催されたJapan JUG CCCにも参加し、 Jakarta EEの短いチュートリアルを行いました。今年は、さらに深く、Jakarta REST APIのディープダイブを行います。

Payara Services Wins Queen’s Award!

We are overjoyed to announce that Payara has been honoured with the most prestigious UK business award: the Queen’s Award for Enterprise. Often called the “Knighthood for Businesses”, the Queen’s Award is also renowned worldwide, with Payara’s award particularly recognising our international success.

Payara Services at the Eclipse Foundation Jakarta EE Virtual Booth!

Payaran Rudy De Busscher can be found at the Eclipse Foundation Jakarta EE virtual booth at KubeCon EU 2021 this year, on May 5. KubeCon is the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference, also aligned with CloudNativeCon, and gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities virtually from May 4 –

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Team Payara Chooses the Bumblebee Conservation Trust as its Charity of the Year

Payara Services are proud to announce that we’ve chosen the Bumblebee Conservation Trust as our Payara Charity of the Year! About the Bumblebee Conservation Trust The Bumblebee Conservation Trust was established because of serious concerns over declining numbers of bumblebees. These insects are not only well-loved but also valued for the way they pollinate crops

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