Month: May 2023

Evolution of Jakarta EE Runtimes Post Java 17

Over the past few years, the pace of Java Platform, Standard Edition releases has become much faster, with a much predictable biannual releases, with a LTS every 18 months. This fireside chat by Payara Engineers will dive into some of the major changes from Java 17 to the upcoming 21. They will explore these changes

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Payara Retreat 2023: Payara in Prague!

Payara Retreat (formerly “Payara Week”) is our annual, on-location event to become closer to one another, to put our ideas for Payara’s future success on the table, and to have some fun across all teams. Last year, then-Payara Week was online, and we proved that we could connect well virtually. However, it meant a lot

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Jakarta EE NoSQL with Google Cloud Firestore

NoSQL has become a popular RDMS alternative for enterprise applications. There are a myriad of options available for developers to choose from. With advantages such as flexible data models, generally faster queries, support for horizontal scaling and easier developer experience, NoSQL is a great alternative to have in your developer toolbox. In this code-focused webinar,

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Payara Platform 6 Enterprise Edition is Here!

The latest major release of the Enterprise Edition of Payara Platform is here! Payara Platform Enterprise 6 is a great milestone in helping organisations take advantage of all the new features that came out with Jakarta EE 10 and MicroProfile 6. As the single most important release of the enterprise Java platform in almost a

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A Developer Guide to MongoDB with Morphia & Jakarta EE

MongoDB is one of the most popular NoSQL databases in the market, with its flexible data model, scalability, and rich query capabilities. When combined with Morphia, a powerful Java library for MongoDB, Jakarta EE developers can achieve even greater flexibility in creating modern applications that deliver exceptional user experiences. Watch this webinar recording to learn

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Payara 6 is Here (Almost!)

Payara Platform Community 6.2022.1 will be released very soon (scheduled for next week!) It is the first stable release of the Payara 6 Community stream and will be the updated, current version of Payara Platform Community. It willrun with Jakarta EE 10 ONLY, meaning that current Payara Community users will need to move toJakarta EE

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What’s New in Jakarta EE 10

In September 2022, the Jakarta EE community achieved a huge milestone with Jakarta EE 10 being released (read more here). The key goals of the Jakarta EE 10 release are simplicity, modernization and ensuring it is lightweight. It’s been a few months since this major release, so we thought it’s a good time now to

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