Containers and the Payara Platform

The Payara Platform is a cloud-native open source server runtime which provides support for containers out-of-the-box so you can reduce your infrastructure and maintenance costs of existing applications. Container-friendly features for Docker and Kubernetes are built-in.

Using Containers with the Payara Platform Datasheet

Using Containers with the Payara Platform

The Payara Platform is designed as a cloud-native open source server runtime, with container-friendly features built-in. For example: Payara Server’s Admin Console integrates with Docker to provide additional control and monitoring of Payara Server instances running in a container on a Docker node. Payara provides several Docker container images that can be used as-is to run your applications on the Payara Platform, or you can create your own Docker images based on the provided Payara Docker container images.

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Achieve High Availability and Scalability with the Payara Platform Domain Data Grid

Achieve High Availability and Scalability with the Payara Platform Data Grid Cover

Clustering in the Payara Platform ensures applications achieve high availability, reliability, and scalability. Several tools are built-in and provide clustering with little to no configuration required and offer shorter service interruptions, help you meet SLA requirements for availability, and reduce costs. The Domain Data Grid automatically scales when used in cloud and container environments.

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Docker and Payara Server

Payara provides several Docker container images (download here). These can be used as-is to run your applications on Payara Server or you can create your own Docker images based on them. Check out our resources to learn more about using the Payara Server with Docker.

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Docker with Payara Micro

Payara also provides several Docker container images (download here) that can be used as-is to run your applications on Payara Micro (or you can create your own Docker images). Check out our resources to learn more about using the Payara Micro with Docker.

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Payara Platform and Kubernetes

Kubernetes allows you to automate the deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts. It’s a management tool used to maintain and track a lot of Docker Containers. Kubernetes also handles all kinds of clouds, virtual machines, and physical machines in a uniform way to make it easy to deploy your application to any of them or even a combination deployment on clouds, virtual machines, and/or physical machines. It is also possible to use Kubernetes while running your application using Payara Micro.

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From the Payara Blog

  • Easy Jakarta EE Integration Testing with the Payara Platform and Testcontainers 24 Mar 2022

    One major issue when developing modern enterprise applications is the "works on my machine" problem: when an application works well on your machine but is not functional in production or even on a colleague's machine. An even more prevalent problem is to maintain the quality of ever-changing applications during development and maintenance.  This is especially prevalent when Jakarta EE applications are developed and not properly tested in an isolated and cohesive manner. Proper integration testing helps to avoid both the "works on my machine" problem, and ensures developers can change the application effectively without breaking it. However often teams struggle with it, due to a lack of standardized testing solutions and the unpredictability of real-world conditions.  Here, I present an effective method for Jakarta EE integration testing, using Payara Platform and Testcontainers in my example.

  • Payara Micro 5によるUber JARの作成 18 May 2021

    Payara Microでは、Webアプリケーションを自己完結型で簡単に実行することができます。2016年5月のPayara Serverリリースからは、WARファイルの内容とPayara Microを構成するクラスやリソースを束ねる “Uber JAR” を作成する簡単な方法があります。 この “Uber” Jarは、Dockerコンテナ内でアプリケーションを実行するための最良の方法ではないことに注意してください。アプリケーションに小さなコード変更を加えるたびに、バイナリ全体のアップデートが必要になるためです。より良い方法は、Payara Microインスタンスを起動して、インストールが必要なアプリケーションを指定することです。詳細については Payara Micro Docker Image documentation をご覧ください。 (最終更新日 2021/04/06)

  • 14 Docker Tips for the Payara Platform 15 Jan 2021

    Creating a Docker image is not that difficult. The Dockerfile script contains a few commands that define and prepare your image that will be run by the engine as a container.

  • Using Payara Server with Docker 22 Apr 2020

    Docker is a platform which makes it easier to create, deploy and run your applications using containers. A container bundles all the software needed to run it. By packaging the required dependencies, it makes it easy to run it on any machine, regardless of small configuration differences. This article will explain more about introducing Docker. 

  • What is Docker and How is it Used with the Payara Platform (Japanese) 07 Feb 2020

    Dockerとは? DockerとPayara Server/Payara Microを一緒に使うには?

  • No-Code Jakarta EE & MicroProfile Cloud Hosting for Startups: Payara Cloud 18 Jun 2024

    Start-ups are hotbeds of innovation, where speed, agility and resourcefulness are key to success. But in the world of enterprise Java applications, managing complex cloud deployment infrastructure can quickly become a bottleneck and take up considerable time from your developers. To address these issues and streamline cloud deployments, we created Payara Cloud.

  • You Might Not Need Kubernetes. Or Containers. 23 Jan 2024

    Kubernetes is a topic that is frequently discussed in the development community, especially as the IT landscape increasingly shifts towards cloud and microservices. However, it’s crucial to evaluate whether it is genuinely indispensable for your environment or just another case of the next 'new and shiny' object capturing attention without substantial benefits. In this blog, we’ll delve into the reasons why Kubernetes might sometimes fall victim to the hype and explore whether it is the right fit for all scenarios. 

  • Introducing the Payara Kubernetes Operator 11 Jun 2021

    When using Kubernetes, for more complex scenarios it is not enough to start the deployment or service. You also need to execute some commands within the containers to perform some configuration or initialization of the environment. To automate configuration or the process of initializing an environment, you can write a Kubernetes operator.The Payara Kubernetes Operator, released as a Proof of Concept or Minimum Viable Product (MVP) in our June Payara Platform release, helps you to set up a Payara cluster using the Deployment Group feature of the Payara Server.

  • Do You Really Need Kubernetes? 09 Jun 2021

    These days, it seems Kubernetes is a topic that is never too far from people's lips.  The tool, and the associated tools built around it, are talked about so often it seems it's the only subject important to developers these days - especially as the IT world becomes increasingly orientated towards cloud and microservices. But in spite of all the conversation around Kubernetes... do you really need Kubernetes for your environment? Or is it just another case of the next 'new and shiny' object,  with people distracted by the novelty and possibility, rather than the facts? In this blog, I'll take a closer look at why Kubernetes might be a case of the hype outweighing the helpfulness in most cases. 

  • Creating a Kubernetes Operator in Java: Foojay JUG Tour 30 Mar 2021

    Foojay's Virtual JUG tour is in full swing, with the Java community platform organising a succession of online events at JUGs all across the world.  As contributors to the Foojay platform, supporters from the start and members of itsinaugural advisory board, Payara Services was happy to participate. Rudy de Busscher presented his talk, 'Creating a Kubernetes Operator in Java', for the St. Louis Java User Group as part of the tour. You can now watch this, and also hear Geertjan Wielenga introduce the concept of Foojay to start the talk.

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