Month: April 2021

Payara Services Wins Queen’s Award!

We are overjoyed to announce that Payara has been honoured with the most prestigious UK business award: the Queen’s Award for Enterprise. Often called the “Knighthood for Businesses”, the Queen’s Award is also renowned worldwide, with Payara’s award particularly recognising our international success.

Payara Services at the Eclipse Foundation Jakarta EE Virtual Booth!

Payaran Rudy De Busscher can be found at the Eclipse Foundation Jakarta EE virtual booth at KubeCon EU 2021 this year, on May 5. KubeCon is the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference, also aligned with CloudNativeCon, and gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities virtually from May 4 –

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Payara Vs The Competition

Team Payara Chooses the Bumblebee Conservation Trust as its Charity of the Year

Payara Services are proud to announce that we’ve chosen the Bumblebee Conservation Trust as our Payara Charity of the Year! About the Bumblebee Conservation Trust The Bumblebee Conservation Trust was established because of serious concerns over declining numbers of bumblebees. These insects are not only well-loved but also valued for the way they pollinate crops

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