WildFly to Payara Server Migration

Migrating from WildFly to Payara Server 5 can be a simple and straightforward process because both servers rely on the Java EE specifications. We make it even easier with the help of our migration resources and migration guides:

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Planning a Migration to Payara Server

Why Migrate to the Payara Platform

Before your team can start the migration process, you (and the decision makers at your organization) may need to learn more about the Payara Platform. In our ‘Why Migrate to the Payara Platform’ Guide, we’ll provide information about:

  • Cloud Native, Containerized, Jakarta EE, and MicroProfile application architectures
  • What makes Payara Server Enterprise the best option for production Jakarta EE (Java EE) applications
  • Why Payara Micro  is ideal for running Java EE applications in a modern virtualized infrastructure
  • The benefits of open source software
  • How new Payara Platform Enterprise features are created
  • Cost advantages of the Payara Platform

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WildFly vs Payara Server 5 at a Glance

Along with providing full support for our application server and more frequent component updates – migrating to Payara Server gives you access to additional features and capabilities:

FeatureWildFly 26Payara Server Community 6.2022.1Payara Server Enterprise 5.21.0
LicenseOpen SourceOpen SourceOpen Source with EULA
Release FrequencyIrregular (roughly every 2 months)Frequent, aiming monthlyMonthly
Production SupportNoYesYes
Component UpgradesIrregular (with every release)MonthlyMonthly
Supported IDEsEclipse / NetBeans / IntelliJ IDE / Red Hat Development Suite / Visual Studio CodeEclipse / NetBeans / Intellij IDE / Visual Studio CodeEclipse / NetBeans / Intellij IDE / Visual Studio Code
Jakarta EE 8 CompatibleYesNoYes
Java EE 8 CompatibleYesNoNo
Caching ToolsInfinispan / JCache Hazelcast / JCache Hazelcast / JCache
ClusteringEvery node runs same app or fine grained assignmentEvery node runs same app or fine grained assignment. Automatic clustering over multicastEvery node runs same app or fine grained assignment. Automatic clustering over multicast
Data Encryption in a ClusterYesYes Yes
Web UI AdministrationYesYesYes
Scripting Tooljboss-cli.sh asadminasadmin
Admin Command RecordingYesYesYes
Auditing Management OperationsYesYesYes
Auditing Security EventsYesYesYes
Integrated Certificate ManagementNoNoYes
Deployment FlexibilityVariables (System, environment, external file, MicroProfile config) Variables (System, environment, MicroProfile config) Variables (System, environment, MicroProfile config)
Notification Channels Monitoring
  • CDI

  • JMS Beans

  • Log Files
  • JMS Beans

  • Log Files

  • SMTP
  • SNMP
  • JMS
  • CDI
  • Slack
  • New Relic
  • Datadog
  • JMS Beans

  • Log Files

  • SMTP
  • SNMP
  • JMS
  • CDI
  • Slack
  • New Relic
  • Datadog
Custom Notifiers NoYesYes
Slow SQL LoggingNoYesYes
Health Check ServiceYes (MicroProfile Health)YesYes
Request Tracing Yes (JAX-RS, CDI)Yes (JAX-RS, CDI, EJB, Servlet, JAX-WS, JMS) Yes (JAX-RS, CDI, EJB, Servlet, JAX-WS, JMS)
OAuth2 / OpenId Connect Support Yes, through Elytron subsystem Natively Supported (through Security API) Natively Supported (through Security API)
Remote EJB over HTTP YesYes (partial)Yes (partial)
Microservice DistributionNoPayara MicroPayara Micro
MicroProfile SupportYesYesYes
Docker SupportYesYes, also with container automation through Payara Docker Nodes Yes, also with container automation through Payara Docker Nodes
Kubernetes Support YesYesYes
Cloud Providers SupportMicrosoft Azure, Amazon, Google, Openshift, and more Microsoft Azure, Jelastic, Amazon, Oracle Cloud, and more Microsoft Azure, Jelastic, Amazon, Oracle Cloud, and more
Zero Deployment Downtime NoSwitch between pre-deployed versions; Rolling upgrade in a cluster Switch between pre-deployed versions; Rolling upgrade in a cluster
Hot Deployment NoYes for NetBeans IDEYes (for NetBeans IDE, support for other IDEs coming soon)
Upgrade ToolYesNo Yes
JDK 11 SupportYes YesYes
Bundled JDK SupportYes - RHEL and Windows Yes - Linux and Windows Yes - Linux and Windows
Migration from Community to Enterprise edition Challenging (Wildfly to JBoss EAP migration) Simple (Payara Community to Payara Enterprise migration) Simple (Payara Community to Payara Enterprise migration)
Integrated Monitoring Console NoYesYes

We Can Help You MigrateWhy Enterprise?

Considerations When Migrating from WildFly to Payara Server

Considerations When Migrating from Wildfly to Payara Server

Migrating applications from WildFly to Payara Server can be a simple and straightforward process because both servers rely on the Jakarta EE (Java EE) specifications. However, there are differences in many areas because many Java EE APIs in WildFly and Payara Server are implemented by different components. Moreover, the configuration of certain aspects like external resources, high-availability and deployment is not covered by any specification and is, in fact, very different in both servers.

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How to Migrate a Simple WildFly Cluster to Payara Server 5 Deployment Group

This guide will explain the differences between clustering in WildFly and Payara Server, how to plan migration of an existing WildFly cluster to Payara Server, and will also show you how to migrate an example cluster step-by-step.

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