DevOps and the Payara Platform

The DevOps approach to software delivery ensures development and operations teams can build, test, deploy, and monitor applications quickly while maintaining quality and control. The Payara Platform fits into your DevOps strategy – it’s compatible with the services you’re already using including Docker and Kubernetes, cloud-native, and offers commercial support for security and stability of your applications’ environment from the JVM on up.

Learn About the Payara Platform

Payara Server 5 Datasheet

payara server 5 datasheet

Payara Server is a fully supported, developer-friendly, open source application server. Payara Server’s architecture is innovative, cloud-native and optimized for production deployments. The application server,  officially compatible with Jakarta EE 8 and MicroProfile, is built and supported by a team of DevOps engineers dedicated to the continued development and maintenance of the open source software and committed to optimizing Payara Server as the best option for production Java EE / Jakarta EE applications.

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Payara Micro Datasheet

Payara Micro Datasheet

Payara Micro is the open source, lightweight middleware platform of choice for containerized Java EE (Jakarta EE) microservices deployments.  Less than 70MB in size, Payara Micro requires no installation or configuration and no need for code rewrites  – so you can build and deploy a fully working app within minutes.

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How to Manage and Operate the Payara Platform in the Cloud

'How to Manage and Operate the Payara Platform on Cloud' datasheet front cover.

The Payara Platform is a great choice for Java developers looking to run applications in the cloud. Since the platform is cloud-native and optimized for production environments, it can be deployed in any environment: on cloud, on-premises, or hybrid. It’s designed with support for major cloud platforms, ensuring the Payara Platform is compatible with the services you’re already using, including Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and the Google Cloud Platform.

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Payara Server in Production

Payara Server in Production Ops Guide

Once you have developed applications on Payara Server and moved these applications into a production environment, control will pass over to your operations teams. This guide introduces some features of Payara Server that you may not know about, which are especially useful for the operations teams.

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Security Auditing in Payara Server

'Security Auditing in Payara Server' User guide front cover.

Security is always a concern you must have when implementing applications that will run in production environments. Both the JVM and Payara Server has a strong tool set of security implementations for most use cases in the industry, so you won’t have to worry about implementing your own security measures from scratch. This guide explains and demonstrates the security auditing best practices and features you can find in Payara Server.

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Getting Started with Payara ServerMigration Guide

Containers with the Payara Platform

The Payara Platform is a cloud-native open source server runtime which provides support for containers out-of-the-box so you can reduce your infrastructure and maintenance costs of existing applications. Container-friendly features for Docker and Kubernetes are built-in.

Containers and the Payara Platform

How to Build Microservices Apps with Java EE / Jakarta EE Programming Skills

The Payara Platform helps you modernize infrastructure and build microservices applications on cloud with your existing development team’s  Java EE / Jakarta EE programming skills. Payara Micro with MicroProfile offers a migration path from your current architecture to a microservices architecture and the cloud-native capability of next-generation applications.

MicroProfile and the Payara Platform

From the Payara Blog

  • When Is It Time To Move From Payara Community to Payara Enterprise? 23 Jul 2024

    “Which version of the Payara Platform is right for me?” We get asked this question all the time, so we wanted to provide you with a more in-depth discussion that outlines the similarities and differences between the two editions of the Payara Platform, Enterprise and Community, to help you choose the one that best fits your needs.

  • Ensuring Seamless Operations and Maximum Profitability: Key Insights on Application Server Efficiency and SLAs - Part 1 18 Jul 2024

    Robust and efficient application servers are essential for companies relying on software applications, whether these support e-commerce platforms, financial services portals or internal operations.  To help ensure smooth operations, deliver seamless services to users and generate revenue, it’s important that the runtime in place can offer maximum uptime to reduce cost while optimizing performance, profitability and user satisfaction.  In this blog post, we share insights from industry players on the impact of unexpected application server issues and downtime as well as how to reduce them.   

  • No-Code Jakarta EE & MicroProfile Cloud Hosting for Startups: Payara Cloud 18 Jun 2024

    Start-ups are hotbeds of innovation, where speed, agility and resourcefulness are key to success. But in the world of enterprise Java applications, managing complex cloud deployment infrastructure can quickly become a bottleneck and take up considerable time from your developers. To address these issues and streamline cloud deployments, we created Payara Cloud.

  • Troubleshooting Common Payara Cloud Deployment Issues 04 Jun 2024

    Deploying applications on Payara Cloud offers numerous advantages, including ease of use and scalability. However, like any platform, you might encounter some common issues. The good news is that these problems are typically easy to resolve. Below, we’ll explore common issues, compiled based on the expertise of our service team. For detailed steps and additional support, refer to our comprehensive troubleshooting guide.

  • Stratospheric Developer Productivity - Unveiling Payara Dev Mode 19 Apr 2024

    Development productivity is crucial in Enterprise Java and Jakarta EE application development, supporting the delivery of high-quality software solutions quickly and efficiently. As a result, it is necessary to focus on streamlining development processes, optimizing resource utilization and empowering developers to work more effectively. Payara Micro Maven Plugin, Version 1, introduces a powerful tool – Dev Mode – designed to supercharge your development experience with Payara Micro.  In our latest User Guide - available to download here - we look at this plugin, exploring its features, configurations and usage to help developers unlock stratospheric levels of productivity.

  • Hype-Driven Development: Don't Be a Victim! 21 Dec 2021

    We are launching a new video series: Quick Fire Java with Payara! The first episode sees Payara Product Manager, Rudy De Busscher, discuss "Hype-Driven Development"; software investments based on "buzz" around a trend or product, rather than whether it actually works for your specific use case. 

  • Payara Micro 5によるUber JARの作成 18 May 2021

    Payara Microでは、Webアプリケーションを自己完結型で簡単に実行することができます。2016年5月のPayara Serverリリースからは、WARファイルの内容とPayara Microを構成するクラスやリソースを束ねる “Uber JAR” を作成する簡単な方法があります。 この “Uber” Jarは、Dockerコンテナ内でアプリケーションを実行するための最良の方法ではないことに注意してください。アプリケーションに小さなコード変更を加えるたびに、バイナリ全体のアップデートが必要になるためです。より良い方法は、Payara Microインスタンスを起動して、インストールが必要なアプリケーションを指定することです。詳細については Payara Micro Docker Image documentation をご覧ください。 (最終更新日 2021/04/06)

  • How Using the Payara Platform in the Cloud Impacts DevOps 14 Nov 2019

    At Payara Services, we have long been advocates of the benefits of using DevOps practices not only in the development of our products (like Payara Server & Payara Micro), but also in the core of our expert advice to our user base with our blog containing arguments for using DevOps practices, details of DevOps tools and new developments that benefit it.

  • The Health Check Service In-Depth - Payara Server 5 16 Oct 2019

    This is an updated blog of the original which was published in May 2016 Payara Server provides the Health Check Service for automatic self-monitoring in order to detect future problems as soon as possible. When enabled, the Health Check Service periodically checks some low level metrics. Whenever it detects that a threshold is not met, it triggers alert notifications that allow to detect undesired behavior and predict possible failures. All of these automatic checks are very lightweight and run with a negligible impact on performance.

  • Automating Production in Payara Server 5 14 May 2018

    Back in 2016, we wrote about the importance of automation in taking applications from development to production with Payara Server. Since then, there have been a lot of changes both in Payara Server and Payara Micro and the wider tech landscape.

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