Month: May 2019

Partner Program

Top Musical Genres for Programmers

Being both a programmer and a musician, I find the best way to keep me rolling forward in any situation is to stick the earphones in, smack on a good tune and get lost in the well composed world of (preferably not) spaghetti code and appropriate jams…

Trix TI executa 70% de suas soluções Java Web na plataforma Payara em produção e com alta disponibilidade

Estamos sempre interessados em saber mais sobre como a Plataforma Payara está sendo utilizada por empresas em todo o mundo. Ouvir atentamente os usuários nos permite desenvolver uma sólida compreensão sobre quais serviços são valiosos para eles e continuar desenvolvendo a plataforma com o usuário final em mente.

Payara Japan Tour 2019

Recently a few of us from the Payara team went on a grand adventure to tour some of the major cities of Japan. Our mission was to team up with our Japanese partner, Yusuke Yamamoto from Samuraism, and run a series of talks at Java User Groups in: Okayama, Nagoya, Osaka, Sapporo and Tokyo. In

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International Trading Compliance

As Payara supplies our support both domestically and internationally, I thought it prudent to attend a recent course hosted by the local Chamber of Commerce regarding International Trade Compliance to understand better the requirements of export …..especially in light of the eventual UK exit from Europe!

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