Category: Fish Food

Check out all Payara team blog posts tagged with Fish Food, all in one place.

Insider Look: Joining the Payara Sales Team

A Conversation with Our Sales Manager As Payara Services continues to grow to drive our innovate solutions, we’re thrilled to announce new opportunities within our Sales team. With a strong focus on expanding our reach and enhancing our customer engagement, we’re looking for talented Demand Generation Specialists to join us and drive our success forward.

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Payara Services announced tech content media and community challenge

The leader in application server technology, Payara Services Ltd., announced the launch of its inaugural Jakarta EE Media and Community challenge to foster innovation and knowledge-sharing within the Java community. Expert and entry-level Java specialists, tech writers and content developers are invited to submit content that focuses on Jakarta EE and Payara Platform application server.

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Nurturing proud Payarans

Payara’s industry-leading eNPS improved by +10 points Payara Services, the leader in application server technology, is advancing on its journey towards fostering a culture of employee satisfaction and loyalty by reaching an Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) of 61. This is nearly 40% higher than the industry average of 41. The result follows the addition

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Insider Look: Joining the Payara Product Team

A Conversation with Senior Product Managers  Over the last few weeks, Payara Services announced multiple exciting job openings, attesting to the growing acceptance of our solutions as well as our company. As we look for many engineering specialists to join our Product team, we believe it is important to give any potential applicants an insight

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Remote-first business Payara highly commended in Remote Excellence Awards

Read the Press Release Payara Services Ltd. was highly commended at the 2024 Remote Excellence Award, organized by the leader in building, managing, and supporting globally distributed workforces, Remote. Praised within the Excellence in DE&I (diversity, equity and inclusion) category, the company was acknowledged for its proven record in welcoming and valuing team members with

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2023, that’s a wrap! Celebrating 30% Employee Growth, Innovation and Employee Satisfaction

As we say goodbye to another remarkable year, it’s with immense pride that we reflect on the incredible journey of growth and success Payara has experienced. The past twelve months have been nothing short of extraordinary, marked by a surge in our workforce, spanning 16 countries across the globe, the creation of new business units,

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Payara Candidate Journey

At Payara, we have worked hard on our candidate journey and are always trying to improve our candidate experience. This year, we have implemented more automation, which I know is like Marmite (some love it and some hate it!). We know automation can be a great addition to a candidate’s journey, as it has many

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Rewarding Great Payarans

We reward our team members, called “Payarans”, for either modelling great core values or for their excellent performance going way beyond expectations of their role. This has become an annual tradition at Payara. So, what’s the rationale behind Rewarding Great Payarans?

Mentoring and Coaching in the Workplace

Payara loves to upskill its team – and we have set ourselves an ambitious challenge of investing over 100 hours of Learning and Development time for each team member each year. Over the past couple of years traditional ‘course / qualification’  based learning has been replaced  by online sessions  which better suits both individual and

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The Importance of Workforce Planning at Payara

As a SME (Small to Medium Sized Enterprise) competing for talent in a highly competitive market, the People team focus on working alongside Team leaders to increase their understanding of how to approach ‘future state’ team organisation, identify roles, and develop the existing team members. To do this we use a mechanism called Workforce Planning. 

Payara’s Charity of the Year: Children International

Payara is proud to announce that we’ve chosen Children International as our Charity of the Year! About Children International Children International were established to help bring an end to child poverty through their work with children and their communities, providing access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities, as well as empowering children to have hope

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Do You Want a Collaborative Workforce? Invest in Cross-Team Challenges 

In today’s remote working but interconnected business environment, effective teamworking is crucial for achieving organizational success. Team building activities play a vital role in fostering Initiative, Trust, and Community, some of our Core Company values, among team members. An innovative approach to team building is through cross-team challenges, where individuals from different teams come together

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Payara Retreat 2023: Payara in Prague!

Payara Retreat (formerly “Payara Week”) is our annual, on-location event to become closer to one another, to put our ideas for Payara’s future success on the table, and to have some fun across all teams. Last year, then-Payara Week was online, and we proved that we could connect well virtually. However, it meant a lot

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Satisfaction Surveys – Payara’s Results Are In!

Happy, motivated staff is the goal for every business – because who doesn’t want a high performing, engaged workforce?!  Working in a globally distributed, fully remote company means that, sometimes, you can’t always see what is working for your people in the moment. That’s why regular satisfaction surveys (eNPS) are so valuable. These surveys give

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Virtual Payara Day Q2/Q3: Finding Our Voices and Our Mascots

Virtual Payara Day is our quarterly virtual conference!  Virtual Payara Day (VPD) is an opportunity for team members to get to know each other in a way that they can’t day-to-day, as well as getting business updates from the CEO and from other functional teams. This quarterly event is a consistent opportunity for updates on

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