Category: Payara Events

Payara Announces Virtual Cybersecurity Summit Focused on Securing Java Applications

Join Industry Experts at the “Securing Your Java Ecosystem” Conference on June 26-27, 2024 London, United Kingdom, 11.06.2024. Payara Services Ltd, the leader in application server technology, will host a “Securing Your Java Ecosystem” cybersecurity summit during its upcoming Virtual Payara Conference (VPC) on June 26-27, 2024. This free online event will feature presentations and

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Payara Services announced tech content media and community challenge

The leader in application server technology, Payara Services Ltd., announced the launch of its inaugural Jakarta EE Media and Community challenge to foster innovation and knowledge-sharing within the Java community. Expert and entry-level Java specialists, tech writers and content developers are invited to submit content that focuses on Jakarta EE and Payara Platform application server.

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Christmas Jumper Day 2019

Who doesn’t love the opportunity to wear a festive sweater and raise money for a fantastic charity at the same time? Payarans this year had great fun coming into our Malvern office, donning their varied Christmas sweaters and donating towards –

Halloween 2018 at Payara UK

It all started with a Halloween party invitation last October. As I haven’t been to a Halloween Party since I was in my early teenage years -many, many years ago!- I got overexcited one evening and purchased a few spooky items online to wear at the party: wig, face painting and some unnerving crazy lenses.

Virtual Payara Day: Our Values

“Payarans”. That’s the name we have for all team-members, regardless of whether they work in Payara’s brick-and-mortar offices or whether they’re remote, working from their own home-offices that are spread around the world in diverse places that include Japan, the US, Sweden, Colombia, the Netherlands, Portugal – the list goes on.

Payara Japan Tour 2019

Recently a few of us from the Payara team went on a grand adventure to tour some of the major cities of Japan. Our mission was to team up with our Japanese partner, Yusuke Yamamoto from Samuraism, and run a series of talks at Java User Groups in: Okayama, Nagoya, Osaka, Sapporo and Tokyo. In

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Happy 21st Birthday Matt Gill!

CONGRATULATIONS and CELEBRATIONS to our Senior Apprentice Matt Gill who is celebrating his 21st birthday. As 21 is still a ‘special’ birthday in the UK, Payara has given Matt a birthday gift and card and even some celebratory balloons for his desk. Matt brought in a tray of birthday cupcakes to share which were very

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