Month: March 2020

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Payara Hosts Coding Workshop

On Wednesday 12th February, Payara held a programming and coding skills workshop for a number of students at local high school, Dyson Perrins CofE Academy, Worcestershire ,UK. Led by two of our Degree Apprentices, Cuba Stanley and Matt Gill, the Devoxx4Kids seminar provided a group of students aged 13-14 with the opportunity to expand their

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Creating the Payara Design System

At Payara Services we have many different applications and web-based projects that all need to be unified under our brand. Ideally, someone should be able to recognise a Payara app even if they can’t see our logo. For this to happen, we need to create consistency in the UI (User Interface) across our projects. Enter

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GlassFish vs. Payara Server 5 Comparison

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