Category: Educational Projects

Payara Hosts Coding Workshop

On Wednesday 12th February, Payara held a programming and coding skills workshop for a number of students at local high school, Dyson Perrins CofE Academy, Worcestershire ,UK. Led by two of our Degree Apprentices, Cuba Stanley and Matt Gill, the Devoxx4Kids seminar provided a group of students aged 13-14 with the opportunity to expand their

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UK National Apprenticeship Week

Apprenticeship Week is always a great opportunity for Payara to showcase what we do well – encourage and support new talent! This week our current apprentices attended a local High School Apprenticeship Fayre to raise awareness of Payara’s role as a Degree Apprenticeship provider. This face to face opportunity to share knowledge and first-hand experience

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Work Experience at Payara

This week we were happy to host William and Imogen who joined us in the Malvern Office for a work experience placement. As an organisation we have been dedicated to involving ourselves and providing educational opportunities for young students. Including our apprenticeship program, work experience placements, speaking at schools and events. Below is a summary

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