Month: February 2021


Deploy Friday: Move Your Java Microservices to the Cloud with Payara Services

Platform.SH is an end-to-end web platform for agile teams: a PaaS that aims to manage the application and the services that the application needs, such as a database.  Developing close to MicroProfile and Jakarta EE, like Payara Platform, it supports both specifications. We’re honoured to be guests for the company’s weekly live discussion, hosted on YouTube

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February Release Overview & MicroProfile 4.0

Join Payara engineers for an informative and practical webinar on the recent updates and enhancements to the Payara Platform in the latest release (Payara Platform February Release). Every month, we answer questions on the most recent release and also discuss a key theme –  this month, it’s MicroProfile 4.0, now fully supported in the Payara

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Lifecycle and End of Life Policy

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