Posted by Dominika Tasarz-Sochacka

In this customer testimonial we interviewed Kenneth Kee, CEO of Origin Integrated Studios, currently managing one of the most rapidly growing digital health transformation solution provider companies in Malaysia.

Evolution of Jakarta EE Runtimes Post Java 17

Over the past few years, the pace of Java Platform, Standard Edition releases has become much faster, with a much predictable biannual releases, with a LTS every 18 months. This fireside chat by Payara Engineers will dive into some of the major changes from Java 17 to the upcoming 21. They will explore these changes

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Jakarta EE NoSQL with Google Cloud Firestore

NoSQL has become a popular RDMS alternative for enterprise applications. There are a myriad of options available for developers to choose from. With advantages such as flexible data models, generally faster queries, support for horizontal scaling and easier developer experience, NoSQL is a great alternative to have in your developer toolbox. In this code-focused webinar,

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Payara Platform 6 Enterprise Edition is Here!

The latest major release of the Enterprise Edition of Payara Platform is here! Payara Platform Enterprise 6 is a great milestone in helping organisations take advantage of all the new features that came out with Jakarta EE 10 and MicroProfile 6. As the single most important release of the enterprise Java platform in almost a

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A Developer Guide to MongoDB with Morphia & Jakarta EE

MongoDB is one of the most popular NoSQL databases in the market, with its flexible data model, scalability, and rich query capabilities. When combined with Morphia, a powerful Java library for MongoDB, Jakarta EE developers can achieve even greater flexibility in creating modern applications that deliver exceptional user experiences. Watch this webinar recording to learn

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Payara Hackathon 2023 Rules

Payara CEO Steve Millidge Interviewed in Technology Reseller

Payara was the subject of a business profile in Technology Reseller: Tell us about Payara Services in just a few sentences. Payara is a born-global, micro multinational software company headquartered in the UK, with offices in Portugal. We are an organisation with a ‘remote first’ hiring approach, meaning we have customers and team members across

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Business Matters Interviews Steve Millidge, Founder, CEO and CTO of Payara Services

An interview with the founder, CEO and CTO of Payara Services, Steve Millidge, in Business Matters, the UK’s Leading Business Magazine. 1. For those unfamiliar with Payara, tell us about your clients and the problems you’re trying to solve for them? Also why did you name your company after a large carnivorous fish with big

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Steve Millidge discusses Jakarta EE, the Eclipse Foundation & GlassFish’s future on the WaterWorks Podcast

Our CEO and Founder Steve Millidge is a guest on the WaterWorks podcast, the technology discussion podcast run by journalist and author John K. Waters. Waters is the editor in chief of the Converge360 news and information sites Application Development Trends (ADT Mag), Pure AI, and Futuretech360 – with his career also including writing books, including “The Everything Guide to Social Media,” one

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The 4 Most Useful GDPR Features in HubSpot

Payara Services provides stable, supported open source software. Bringing our solutions to a global audience entails a wider skillset in the team than can be confined to Java developers and engineers, however. Our Marketing, Sales and HR departments have vital roles to play, with our Fish Food blogs providing a peek behind the curtain (or

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Using the Flywheel Model

Funnel is so 2019! If you’re familiar with the basics of marketing theory and marketing and sales terminology, you have surely heard of a ‘Funnel’ model – often referred to as a ‘Sales Funnel’. For many years, most businesses have built their strategies with a funnel model in mind. The good and bad news is

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DPD Ireland Extends Payara Enterprise Contract

International parcel delivery service, DPD Ireland, has renewed its Payara Enterprise software and support agreement with Payara. As Ireland’s largest dedicated parcel delivery company, DPD Ireland provides customers across Europe and beyond with a united delivery partner, offering a sortation capacity of up to 21,000 parcels per hour. Having experienced problems with their existing GlassFish

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