Posted by payarar00t

Payara 6 is Here (Almost!)

Payara Platform Community 6.2022.1 will be released very soon (scheduled for next week!) It is the first stable release of the Payara 6 Community stream and will be the updated, current version of Payara Platform Community. It willrun with Jakarta EE 10 ONLY, meaning that current Payara Community users will need to move toJakarta EE

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What’s New in Jakarta EE 10

In September 2022, the Jakarta EE community achieved a huge milestone with Jakarta EE 10 being released (read more here). The key goals of the Jakarta EE 10 release are simplicity, modernization and ensuring it is lightweight. It’s been a few months since this major release, so we thought it’s a good time now to

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With over 100 APIs connecting systems and integrating with customer applications, having a stable solution with support is critical. DPD considered hiring extra support staff but struggled to find someone with the skillset to do the work. When their team were unable to find resolutions to problems using GlassFish, DPD decided to seek another solution that also had support. Because Payara Server was derived from GlassFish, the transition to the Payara Platform was an easy one to make.

Solution: Payara Enterprise 10×5 Support

DPD migrated to Payara Server, an open source application server originally developed as a fork and drop-in replacement for GlassFish Server Open Source Edition. Some of their APIs and critical applications needed extra work to function properly once migrated to Payara Server, but Payara Support Engineers quickly resolved the issues with same day response time for support requests. Using Payara Enterprise saved DPD from hiring additional support staff while providing DPD with the quick support and stable environment they need.

Same Day Support Response with Quick Resolution

“Using Payara Enterprise support enables us to get our APIs more stable and we feel more confident in the service we provide to our customers,” said Stefan Ajderev, IT Infrastructure and Security Manager at DPD. “We would highly recommend Payara and Payara support. Monthly patches are very helpful, having the option to update is helpful in case of critical issues. It’s stable and NO problems.”

Results: No Need to Hire Extra Support Staff and Faster Issue Response

Relying on Payara Enterprise Support eliminates the need to hire additional support staff while receiving faster resolution to issues. Their customer experience is drastically improved, while issue resolution for DPD’s in-house team is no longer consuming time better spent focused on continuing to revolutionize the parcel delivery industry,


Hermes needed to operate their proprietary application, Hermes Advanced, in the cloud and in a stable environment, but their licensing agreement with WebSphere ruled out that option. They first migrated to GlassFish but needed support for the application server. As Hermes mother company, Otto runs their apps on Payara Server Enterprise 4 with great results; they decided to migrate from GlassFish to Payara Server 4.

“Payara is different from WebSphere in that Websphere is an all-in-one package that costs a lot of money and takes care of some things for the customer that Payara doesn’t. So, Payara users have to take care of some things that you don’t have to with WebSphere – but as a result, you have more insight into what is going on. It was a learning process at first, but the included Migration & Project Support was very helpful in overcoming these learning challenges,” said Thomas Paulsen, Project Coordinator.

Solution: Payara Enterprise with Migration & Project Support During Migration and Payara Enterprise with 24×7 support in Production Environment

During the migration, Hermes discovered that some of the features included with WebSphere that just automatically worked for them would require slightly more input from their development team to work on the Payara Platform. They enlisted Payara Enterprise with the Migration & Project Support option and found the migration process painless, and found they preferred having more insight into the configuration of Payara Server versus having less visibility of how things worked when using WebSphere.

They were also looking for improved monitoring metrics and requested and received a new feature to monitor their application server with Prometheus. Hermes migrated to Payara Server 4 and went into production 100 days earlier than planned with Migration & Project Support assistance and has transitioned to using Payara Enterprise with 24×7 support for their production environment.

Results: 30% Faster Performance and Reduced Expenses in the Cloud

Due to migrating to Payara Server 4 and moving their operations into the German T-Systems pen Telecom Cloud, Hermes reports a 30% increase in performance speed, fewer problems overall, and a significant reduction of operating costs. Hermes also finds the Payara Platform user interface for admin GUI much easier to use than WebSphere.They are looking forward to using Payara Server 5 admin GUI’s new features when they upgrade from Payara Server 4 to Payara Server 5 later this year.

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