Tag: marketing

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Permissionless Co-Marketing: When One of Us Shines, We All Shine!

It’s likely you haven’t heard of Permissionless Co-Marketing. It’s Marketing’s kindest secret weapon – and it’s everywhere!   Amanda Natividad, VP of Marketing for SparkToro, sums it up in her excellent Twitter thread:   “Permissionless Co-Marketing is aligning yourself with other brands by promoting them in your work.   The payoff? Earning goodwill and setting the foundation for potential collaboration.” 

Video Storytelling for Business Marketing

More than half of marketing professionals rely on video marketing techniques (according to Hubspot) because… well, because they work! Plus, more than 50% of consumers prefer to watch video content over receiving emails, reading blog posts, or viewing marketing messages on social media – so why wouldn’t you want to communicate with your prospective customers

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