Jakarta EE and the Payara Platform

Shaping the future of the industry through our direct contributions to the Jakarta EE Working Group, as Eclipse Foundation Contributing Members, and as members of the Project Management Committee.

What is Jakarta EE?

Jakarta EE can be defined as a set of open source specifications that enables Java developers to work on cloud native Java enterprise applications. Jakarta EE was formerly Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) and Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE).

Jakarta EE specifications are either grouped into a platform specification (Full or Web Platform) or can be an individual specification.

Regardless of the grouping all Jakarta EE specifications consist of

  • APIs and Specification document – defining and describing the specification
  • Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) – used for testing the code implemented based on the APIs and Specification document
  • Compatible Implementation – implementation that successfully passes the TCK

As enterprises modernize their infrastructure for cloud, microservices and containers, the technological transformation requires a new governance model that provides faster release cycles to keep pace with innovation, along with an open source, community-driven evolution of the platform.

As Contributing Members of the Eclipse Foundation, we’re dedicated to helping shape the future of open source, and continuously invest our resources and expertise to the improvement, innovation, and development of open source technologies and Jakarta EE. Our involvement allows us to support the sustainability of the community, participate in marketing programs, and have direct access to the governance of both the Jakarta EE Working Group and the Eclipse Foundation. Steve Millidge, Director of Payara, is also a Project Management Committee member of Jakarta EE. The Payara team are also contributing to optimizing Enterprise Java for microservices architectures to help enterprises make their journey into the cloud, working closely with customers to shape Jakarta EE to meet their future needs, and are active committers to the Eclipse MicroProfile initiative.

Jakarta EE and Payara Platform

User Guides & Tutorials

Jakarta EE 10: What Decision Makers Need to Know

Jakarta EE 10 higher level focus

Jakarta EE 10 is HUGE NEWS.

It is the first release since Jakarta EE (then Java EE) was donated to the Eclipse Foundation that actually brings new features. Old APIs are getting removed; consistency is being added; and the new Core Profile is meeting user needs when it comes to microservices, by creating a foundation for RESTful microservices.

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Dismiss the Java Myths: Get to Know the Real Jakarta EE

Dismiss the Myths eBook front cover

Java was created in 1995 and despite being over 25 years old, it’s still one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in the world. Due to its longevity – many myths around Java EE (now Jakarta EE) have circulated. In this eBook, we’ll discuss the most common myths and show you why the programming language is still relevant, how it keeps up with the changes in the IT world and show there is a future in Jakarta EE.

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Dismiss the Myths: Get to know Jakarta EE

dismiss the myth

In our “Dismiss the Myths” webinar series, we discuss the common myths surround Java EE / Jakarta EE and show you the programming language is still relevant, keeps up with the changes in the IT world, and that there is a future in Jakarta EE.

You can see all the videos from the Webinar series here:

Full Playlist

Jakarta EE 10 in 3 Minutes

Jakarta EE 10 in 3 minutes

It’s important you know what Jakarta EE 10 means if you work in the world of enterprise and middleware Java. In this video, we explain all in 3 minutes.

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From the Payara Blog

  • Watch On-Demand - Jakarta EE with ARM: Enhance Performance and Efficiency in the Cloud 25 Jul 2024

    Want to explore the potential of ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) architecture for your Jakarta EE workload? Our latest webinar 'Jakarta EE with ARM: Enhance Performance and Efficiency in the Cloud' is now available to watch on-demand on https://www.crowdcast.io/c/jakarta-ee-with-arm-july-2024

  • The Payara Monthly Catch - June 2024 26 Jun 2024

    As summer sails in, we’re navigating towards exciting new adventures. But before we start exploring what lies ahead, let's cast our nets and haul in the bounty of brilliant contributions and resources from the past month. Crafted by our talented crew to boost your Java and Jakarta EE projects, our latest roundup is brimming with pearls and gems that you won't want to miss, from sparkling tutorials to invaluable insights.

  • The Payara Monthly Catch - May 2024 29 May 2024

    Avast ye, Payara Community! We are ready to chart our course for new horizons in June, but before we do, let's take a moment to look at all the treasures our old salts developed to power up your Java and Jakarta EE applications. We've collected the best pearls and gems in our latest roundup - check them out now!

  • Join Live Webinar - Uncovering The Secrets of Java Runtime Choices for Jakarta EE Applications 01 May 2024

    More than a quarter of a century after its birth, Java still remains a cornerstone in modern enterprise computing. However, with a myriad of runtime options available, making an informed choice that aligns with your specific business needs can be challenging. This webinar, led by experts from Azul (Simon Ritter) and Payara (Luqman Saeed) and designed for decision makers and architects, aims to uncover the secrets to selecting the most optimal Java runtime, focusing on the unique demands of mission-critical Jakarta EE workloads. Uncovering The Secrets of Java Runtime Choices for Jakarta EE Applications Wednesday, the 15th of May, 3pm BST Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2xtu5op6TDagDU0c2aR_Kg#/registration 

  • The Payara Monthly Catch - April 2024 29 Apr 2024

    All aboard, Payara Community! It's time to hoist the sails and set course for new adventures in May. But before we do, let's take a look back at the treasures we uncovered in April. We've gathered our favorite catches from the depths to share with you, ready to power up your Jakarta EE applications and propel you towards success! Join us as we navigate through the highlights of the month in our latest roundup

  • Join Live Webinar - AI on Jakarta EE: A Hands-On Exploration of Toolkits and Libraries 22 Apr 2024

    Join us for our next free virtual event to take the first step towards building AI-powered Jakarta EE applications: AI on Jakarta EE: A Hands-On Exploration of Toolkits and Libraries Tuesday, the 30th of April, 2pm BST Register: https://www.crowdcast.io/c/wfynmcu0b5cm 

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