Payara’s Charity of the Year: Children International

Payara is proud to announce that we’ve chosen Children International as our Charity of the Year!

About Children International

Children International were established to help bring an end to child poverty through their work with children and their communities, providing access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities, as well as empowering children to have hope for a brighter future.

Working within 10 countries, across 67 community centres, Children International has already helped over 1 million children through its programs, including their child sponsorship program, which allows donors to match with kids in different countries to make a personal impact to their future.

Children International Logo

Their main projects focus on:


Children International ensure that the children they work with are provided with access to basic healthcare, as well as supporting children to develop healthy habits and connecting them to services when they need additional support.


In impoverished communities, children don’t have the same access to education or learning resources, or don’t have the opportunity to attend school. Children International break down those barriers through tutoring programs, scholarships, and computer training.


They empower children to have hope for their future, seeing possibilities beyond their current circumstances, through life skills training, teaching leadership skills and the value of teamwork.


Children International design programs which support youth employment, teaching children the skills necessary for finding and interviewing for roles and connecting them with local employers.

Payara’s Involvement

As with all decisions within Payara, we aligned our charity choice with our company values – specifically passion, growth, and community. The decision to support Children International was made through a company-wide vote, allowing Payarans the choice of which cause they felt most passionate about, ensuring we’re not only inclusive of everyone’s opinions, but also choosing a charity with a global reach that works to improve the communities of others through multiple development programs.

After previously partnering with ecological charities, Payara wanted to look at other ways we could give back to those in need as part of our social responsibility efforts through our Giving Back campaign. We are committed to helping people become their best selves through development opportunities and, given the significant changes that have occurred throughout the world in the last few years, we wanted to choose a charity which would support this.

Our donation to Children International has allowed us to sponsor 4 children of different ages and genders, and from different locations, providing them with opportunities to live safely, access basic health care and reach their full potential with access to learning materials, education, and future employment. As Payara is a global team, we wanted to find ways to support the world’s future workforce, giving children living in poverty the same chances as others, no matter where they’re from or what circumstances they’re in.

Through our sponsorship donation, we’ll be receiving regular updates from the children (who we’ve lovingly dubbed mini-Payarans), making the connection even more special, and allowing us to share information about their lives, hobbies, and communities with our Payarans. Through this, we’ll also get to hear first-hand just how our sponsorship is helping shape the lives of these children, and the experiences now available to them.

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