Month: April 2023


Before using the Payara Platform, FlexiSAF ran GlassFish 2 and later migrated to GlassFish 3. FlexiSAF was growing quickly and struggled to scale their application due to increased traffic. Their developers were spending too much time trying to get their application server to work with the increased traffic and not enough time developing the features of their applications, so they decided to look at other options.

After doing some research, FlexiSAF tried WildFly and TomCat, but discovered Payara Server Enterprise was the best option due to the level of professional support included and because Payara Server is similar to GlassFish, which made it an easy migration process.

Before migrating to Payara Server, FlexiSAF scaled their application on multiple Amazon instances. Their biggest challenge was JPA data caching. When FlexiSAF scaled, the cache didn’t distribute to all instances. When a customer logged into ‘instance A’ they might be distributed to ‘instance B’, but the application wasn’t aware of it. FlexiSAF needed a distributed caching system to solve the JPA cache issue and resolve data from user sessions. Before migrating to Payara Server, none of the other application servers they tried could solve the cache problem, and the huge instances FlexiSAF launched were very expensive.


Payara Server Enterprise provides a distributed caching system with the Data Grid feature. Instead of scaling to two very large, expensive instances, FlexiSAF uses the Payara Server Data Grid which provides a greater number of instances that are smaller in size, helping FlexiSAF reduce expenses.


With the foreseeable end of support for the GlassFish product family, the BMW Group had to evaluate the alternatives and choose an appropriate application server for their needs that will serve its purpose in a long-term.


The expert support through Payara Enterprise has always been appropriate to the severity level of issues reported by BMW Group. Out-of-cycle patches were provided for more important issues which helped to fix problems in a short amount of time. Regardless of where the root cause of the problem is located – either in Payara Server source code or application source code – the Support Team helped to find a solution and resolve the issue. BMW Group found that all major blocking issues have been resolved and any newly found bugs are dealt with appropriately.

The key benefits of using Payara Enterprise for the BMW Group are:

  • providing compatibility to GlassFish and new Jakarta EE (Java EE) features
  • providing support for Jakarta EE (Java EE) applications
  • open source model development with professional support


Payara provided BMW Group with a smooth migration path from GlassFish to Payara Server and Java EE 7 and is now providing ongoing support services to ensure stability of BMW Group’s mission critical environment. Knowing that Payara Enterprise offers a 10-year software lifecycle for the Payara Server 4.x branch ensures a stable basis for BMW Group’s applications.

Payara Launches Production Ready Platform for Jakarta EE 10 and MicroProfile 6

We launched our production-ready product for use with the most recent Jakarta EE and MicroProfile versions. Read the full press release:

 Jakarta EE developers can now use the latest releases of Jakarta EE and MicroProfile with a fully supported, production-ready version of the Payara Platform Enterprise. With this release, Payara continues to stay at the forefront of the Jakarta EE ecosystem and ensures an enhanced user experience with new features and benefits.

Payara Platform Enterprise Edition 6.0 is the first release of Payara’s Enterprise product for use with Jakarta EE 10. It follows last year’s November release of the Jakarta EE 10 compatible Payara Platform Community Edition 6.2022.1, created for use in development and testing environments.

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