Payara at FOSDEM 2021

Payara is a key contributor to Friends of OpenJDK, or Foojay – a community platform gathering OpenJDK writing, resources, tips and insight for Java developers.

Foojay are now running a Java focused stand at the virtual FOSDEM conference, traditionally taking place in Brussels – and our own Rudy De Busscher will be delivering an online  talk.

The Foojay devroom at FOSDEM is an opportunity for developers in this domain to meet, discuss the current state of their projects, and their roadmaps, while also helping others to understand the state of these interrelated projects.

FOSDEM social image

Java Byte code is OS independent, which means that your application’s startup takes more time than a native image. Using the Class Data Sharing functionality introduced in more recent versions of the JVM, you can prepare your application so that it will load very fast.

In this presentation, Rudy will go into more detail about what Class Data Sharing is and the differences between the OpenJDK and OpenJ9 versions. With some Jakarta EE demo applications, you will see gains that you can achieve and reduce memory footprint a lot in Docker containers by sharing memory.

This talk will take place:

Saturday February 06, 16.00 – 16.40 PM CET

See the full Friends of OpenJDK devroom schedule here. No registration is necessary, but find out more about accessing FOSDEM here.

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