Payara offers Internship Placements

Worcestershire County Council recognised that students needed to get a clearer understanding of the workplace and created the Junior Internship Program. It offers placements to students at local sixth form colleges the opportunity to work with an employer for up to 2 years, gaining experience of an industry that interests them, and being mentored by employees keen to help develop young people entering the work force. At Payara, we have 3 JIPs who have all been assigned mentors who are currently Degree Apprentices. The apprentices offer monthly mentoring sessions and will work with the JIP student during the work experience block. See what Olga, one of our JIP students has to say!

Olga student on Payara's Junior Internship Placement

“My name is Olga, I am an A Level student studying maths, computer science and chemistry and am participating in the Junior Internship Programme, partnered with Payara. I am interested in a career in software engineering and would love to learn more about the day to day tasks that the team at Payara carry out. I have enjoyed my time on the programme so far and am very excited to learn new software development skills from the Payara team”.

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