Securing REST Web Services on Payara Server with Jakarta Security and OIDC

Securing REST Web Services on Payara Server cover page

The Jakarta Security API provides an easy, straightforward, and standard way to configure and secure your Jakarta REST resources with the OIDC protocol. This API now provides a standard, portable way to secure your applications on the Jakarta EE Platform. This guide takes a quick look at securing your Jakarta REST resources with Jakarta Security and OIDC. We will explore configuring and securing REST resources through annotation and xml. As well as getting security information with built-in Jakarta constructs, namely the OpenIdContext and Security Context. The principles discussed here can be expanded to the most non-trivial of applications. Do check out the Jakarta Security specification for comprehensive usage information.

Category: User Guide

Subject: Jakarta EE, Payara Server, Security

Securing REST Web Services on Payara Server with Jakarta Security and OIDC

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