Explaining Microservices: No Nonsense Guide for Decision Makers

Explaining Microservices: No Nonsense Guide for Decision Makers

Has the Term Microservices Got You Mystified?

Or, are you a developer talking to your bosses about microservices, and they just don’t have a clue?
Or maybe they are asking you to move to a microservices architecture and you want to show them it’s a solution to some problems, but not a silver bullet?

In this guide, we hope to answer common questions and clear things up. Clear, and no-nonsense.


Microservices: The Basics
Microservices = Cloud-native?
Why You Might Choose Microservices?
Why You Might NOT Decide to Choose Microservices
Potential Pitfalls
Jakarta EE & Microservices
The Payara Platform View

Category: eBook

Subject: CTO Resources, Developer Lead Resources, Java Developer Resources, MicroProfile, Microservices, Ops Manager Resources, Payara Micro, Procurement Resources, VP Engineering Resources

Explaining Microservices: No Nonsense Guide for Decision Makers

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