A Developer Guide To WebSocket Development On The Jakarta EE Platform

A Developer Guide to Websockets Development With Jakarta EE_Page_01

WebSocket is a HTTP communication protocol that allows real-time full duplex interaction between a set of clients and a given server.

This guide looks at how to develop WebSocket applications on the Jakarta EE Platform using the WebSocket Specification.

It covers:

  • Creating WebSocket endpoints
  • Messages supported out of the box
  • Custom message types using encoders and decoders
  • Configuring your WebSocket application
  • WebSocket client API

By the end of this guide, you will be able to create a WebSocket application on the Jakarta EE Platform using the WebSockets API.

Category: User Guide

Subject: Jakarta EE, Java Developer Resources, Payara Platform, Payara Server

A Developer Guide To WebSocket Development On The Jakarta EE Platform

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