Securing Jakarta EE Applications With OIDC and Keycloak

Guide front cover - Securing Jakarta EE Applications With OIDC And Keycloak

The need to simplify, harmonise and centralise security as much as possible led the industry to come up with the OpenId Authentication Protocol. OpenID is an open standard and decentralised authentication protocol, designed to make it easy for users to log in to different websites, webapps and online services using a single identity. This single identity eliminates the need for creating and remembering multiple usernames and passwords for different online platforms. Instead, users can log in using an identity provider that they trust, such as a social media account or an email service provider.

In this guide, we tell you the advantages of Open ID, and teach you how to secure a typical Jakarta EE application using Jakarta Security and Keycloak as an identity provider.

Category: User Guide

Subject: Developer Lead Resources, DevOps, Jakarta EE, Java Developer Resources, Payara Platform, Security

Securing Jakarta EE Applications With OIDC And Keycloak

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