Payara Hackathon – Final Task Submission

Project Setup

  • Use the Payara Starter: Generate a Jakarta EE app template with the Payara Starter.

  • Existing Application: You can also enter the competition if you have an existing application that meets the contest requirements.

  • Create a public GitHub repository: Share your code on a public GitHub repository. Use the same username you registered with for the Hackathon.

  • Include a descriptive Changelog: Add a “Changelog” file to your repository. Describe your application, its code structure, and how to execute it.

  • License with Apache Open Source: Ensure your code is submitted under the Apache Open Source License.


  • Provide repository URL: Submit the URL to your public GitHub repository in the form below.

  • Provide deployed application URL: Submit the public URL where your application is deployed on Payara Cloud.

  • Deadline: Submissions should be made by the 31st of March 23:59 GMT.

Important Notes

Please read through the Hackathon Rules carefully before submitting for full Task Requirements (Section 4) and Eligibility Criteria (Section 3).


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