Resources Search Results: Case Study

15 resources found.

  • Hyperwallet Increases Efficiency with Payara Enterprise [Case Study] Hyperwallet had been using Payara Server to host their global payout platform application for several years. After they learned how to use... Case Study
  • Payara Enterprise Saves DPD from Hiring Extra Support Employees [Case Study] DPD had been using GlassFish 4 to run Web APIs with Java for integration with customers but experienced problems from the lack... Case Study
  • Leading Telecoms Company Swisscom Moves to Payara Server from GlassFish [Japanese Case Study] Swisscomはミッションクリティカルなインフラス トラクチャで展開する2つのプラットフォームでの 問題解決を、信頼でき、素早く対応するサポート サービスに任せたいと考えていました。2015年に GlassFishからPayaraに移行した同社は、Payara... case study
  • iTAC Software AG Choose Open Source and Make a Switch to Payara Server [Japanese Case Study] iTAC Softwareは、2015年以来Payaraから購入し ている有料サポートを大いに気に入っています。 チケットを発行すれば、どれも迅速に対応されまし た。Payara... case study
  • iTAC Software AG Choose Open Source and Make a Switch to Payara Server [Case Study] iTAC started using Oracle GlassFish 2.1 in 2008. In time, the company started experiencing problems in some areas of the application... case study
  • Luxury German Vehicle Manufacturer Migrates from GlassFish to Payara Server [Japanese Case Study] 概要 BMWグループでは、基準への準拠が極めて重視しています。そのため、Payara Serverへ の移行の決め手となったのは、これがJava EE準拠のGlassFishアプリケーション・サーバ ーのリファレンス実装に近かった点でした。 Payara ServerはGlassFishから派生しているため、BMWグループはGlassFishからPayara... case study
  • Appriss Migrates from GlassFish to Payara Server to Deliver Critical Web Applications [Japanese Case Study] ApprissがGlassFish 3からGlassFish 4に移行しよ うとしたところ、大きな問題が生じ、立ち往生してし まいました。Payaraはこれらの問題を解決しただ けではなく、Appriss... case study
  • Rakuten Card Smoothly Case Study Transition to Cloud-Native Architecture with Payara Server Enterprise [Japanese Case Study] 2017年後半、楽天カードは顧客向けWebアプリケーション基盤となる信頼性の高いア プリケーション・サーバーを必要としていました。楽天カードが出会った最適解はPayara Server Enterpriseでした。2017年10月に移行を実施し、定期的なアップデート、向上し たサポートとサービスにより、ミドルウェアの可用性99.9999%を達成することができま した。2年後、楽天カードはクラウド・ネイティブ・アーキテクチャに移行しました。Payara... case study
  • Rakuten Card Smoothly Transition to Cloud-Native Architecture with Payara Server Enterprise [Case Study] In late 2017, Rakuten Card needed a reliable application server for its customer facing web applications. It found its best solution in... case study
  • Payara Server Enterprise Allows Hermes to Move Their Business Critical Applications to the Cloud with 30% Faster Performance and Reduced Costs [Case Study] Hermes used IBM WebSphere to operate its business-critical Hermes Advanced application to scan packages during the delivery process. When they discovered... case study
  • FlexiSAF Achieved a Distributed Caching System with Payara Server Data Grid Feature [Case Study] FlexiSAF runs two main enterprise web applications on Payara Server, SAF School Management Software (SAFSMS) and SAF Tertiary Information Management System (SAFTIMS... case study
  • Luxury German Vehicle Manufacturer Migrates from GlassFish to Payara Server [Case Study] Following Oracle’s announcement to discontinue GlassFish support, BMW Group made the decision to pursue support from another vendor. Standards compliance is... case study
  • Leading Telecoms Company Swisscom Moves to Payara Server from GlassFish [Case Study] Swisscom wanted the peace of mind of a reliable and fast acting support service for its two platforms within its mission critical... case study
  • Appriss Migrates from GlassFish to Payara Server to Deliver Critical Web Applications [Case Study] Appriss needed to migrate from GlassFish 3 to GlassFish 4, but encountered large hurdles that halted progress. Payara Services was able to... case study
  • 7 Reasons Companies Invest in Payara Enterprise There are many reasons why companies choose to invest in Payara® Platform Enterprise. In '7 Reasons Why Companies Invest in Payara Enterprise... case study
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